Building Science: Opportunities and Risks from Change: Finding Cost-Effective Strategies to Meet new Energy Code Requirements

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Name: Building Science: Opportunities and Risks from Change: Finding Cost-Effective Strategies to Meet new Energy Code Requirements
Date: December 31, 2022
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
**This is a paid On-Demand session. You will be sent a link for the recording after registration, there is no live Zoom meeting. 

This session will outline the ever-increasing challenges presented in new and existing buildings associated with advancing code changes and ever-rising construction costs. We will be highlighting “Things you could be doing that you will soon be required to do.” Specifically, this workshop will focus on how to simultaneously reduce costs and adhere to changing code regulations while using the rules of building science to optimize your decisions. Air tightness, optimizing  glazing choices, finding the “perfect wall” and understanding opportunities in foundations should be on your list of 5 things you can be doing to simultaneously make homes safer, healthier, more comfortable, more durable and more affordable. 

Speaker: Gord Cooke
Partner with Construction Instruction Inc.
Gord is a professional engineer with over 25 years of experience in the residential building
industry. As one of North America’s premier building science educators, industry consultants
and much sought-after presenters, Gord has a unique talent for taking the building science
issues that he sees in the field, and presenting them in an easily understood and practical real-
world manner. Gord has developed and delivered a multitude of workshops, as well as sales
and marketing courses for builders and real estate agents to help them best promote the
features and benefits of high-performance houses.

Event Sponsors:
  • Frankenmuth Insurance
  • Michigan Propane Gas Association
This session is a recorded Zoom Session. 
Date/Time Information:
On Demand
Contact Information:
Sarah Foster at
HBA Members $10
Non-Members $59.00